Fuel Like a Mother Runner

Train Like a Mother Runner

Stress and mindset support to reach your goals.

Because motherhood should NOT be the thing holding you back from your racing goals.

Training is Different for Mothers

You don't have time to do it all: manage the school calendar, the meal planning, grocery shopping, working, and training for your fitness goals.

Something has to give, but it's all important.

So HOW do you prioritize? Where do you let things go? What can you shift so that none of the balls you're juggling drop to the ground?

Because you know it will probably be your race training but that's also the last thing you want to skip out on.

The mental load of being a mother AND an athlete and the stress toll that is part of training for a race is a real thing.

We can't discount it.

But we also don't need to let it dictate when, how, or if we chase our running goals.

I've been there.

I've been the mom navigating sneaking out of the house for long runs before the kids get up.

I've been the mom trying to refuel and feed myself enough while also having kids yelling for snacks constantly.

I've had to adapt my training schedule in different seasons. Rethink meal times and training nutrition and sleep during the times when my kids refused to sleep and were picky eaters and had schedules that always seemed to get in the way of my fitness plans.

It IS possible to train well, fuel well, AND be a present parent without being a short order cook or sacrificing your own physical needs.

Let me show you how.

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