Are you ready to get to the real root of your health issues and heal from the inside out?

As women, we are more stressed than we realize. We stuff down our emotions and press on, when we need to be slowing down and letting go. 

We're told to keep going, keep doing, keep pushing through. Be tough. Be resilient.

But yet, we also have a generation of women who are battling hypothyroidism, anxiety and depression, and chronic fatigue and related exhaustion disorders.

It's not a coincidence.

Are You Ready to Flourish?

You might be thinking you know how to manage stress.

You might be thinking you just need to get better sleep.

You might be thinking you just need your big work project to end and then everything will feel better.

You might be thinking that this is just the way it's going to be and you need to suck it up and accept it.

You might be thinking you've tried all the physical recommendations and nothing has helped you feel better but thinking about addressing stress and mindset is a little too "woo" and out there.

It's not that you don't know how to manage your stress, it's that you need to reframe how you see it.

It's not that you have to slow down more or get more sleep, it's that you need to operate your entire day, entire LIFE from a place of parasympathetic rest.

It's not that you just need to accept things as they are, it's that you need to be open to doing the hard work of actually coming face to face with yourself and shifting things on a soul level.

It's not that the physical healing doesn't work, it's that it's not the ONLY piece of the puzzle. This mind and soul component matters just as much because you are more than just a body. You are a whole, unique, beautiful human BEING.

How does Flourish Work?

We can't just eliminate all stress from our lives.

We don't WANT to eliminate all stress from our lives.

We NEED stress in order to grow.

But we need an appropriate amount of stress PLUS an appropriate amount of rest in order to achieve that growth.

Stress and rest go hand in hand.

Flourish is where you learn how to let go of stress that you can control and how to build capacity so that the stressors you do need and want are processed appropriately through your body.

Flourish is where you connect the dots between your current stressors and your subconscious beliefs holding you back from making the changes you want in your life.

Flourish is where you actually see your metabolism increase, your adrenals function properly, and your thyroid working optimally.

Because you've finally addressed the root cause behind all of it.

Rethink Stress

We're so used to stress, we don't see it anymore. Stress is more than mental worry, it goes all the way down to the cellular level, affecting everything in your body. Awareness of what is happening is the first step towards fixing it.

Rewire Your Brain

The way of thinking that got you here isn't going to get you where you want to go. We have to dig deep and address hard truths, release them, and then form new ways of thinking, doing, and being.

Reset Your Metabolism

The thyroid sets the pace of your metabolism. Using the brain-body connection, we nourish both and then begin to see symptoms disappear and weight normalize.

Who is Flourish For?

Have you ever said, "I'm not that stressed!" But yet you:

  • struggle with always saying yes even when you need or want to say no
  • always have to have something to do
  • get paralyzed with indecision
  • struggle with down time or being alone with your thoughts
  • have to have background noise on while you go about your day (TV, music, podcasts, etc)
  • reach for your phone first thing in the morning
  • have high amounts of cravings for carbs and sugar
  • struggle to fall asleep at night even if you're tired
  • get road rage easily
  • tend to find yourself running late often or rushing to get places

If you said yes to any of these, you're probably more stressed than you realize!

Flourish is for you if:

  • you're not gaining muscle and struggling to fit into your jeans despite consistent strength training and dieting

  • you're constantly injured and derailed from your running goals

  • you're drowning in stress and just trying to keep it all together

  • you don't think you're under that much stress, but you cannot lose weight, no matter what you do.

  • you're stuck on the same mental loop and cannot stick to new habits, no matter how hard you try to implement them

  • you suspect you have an issue with your cortisol levels but aren't sure where to start

Flourish is the secret sauce to how you reduce stress, build capacity to hold the stress you need to encounter, adjust your mindset toward growth and healing, and get your thyroid and metabolism to follow suit.

This is where you come face to face with the root cause of your chronic ailments.

This is where you discover what has been holding you back from your race goals.

This is where you connect the dots between your seemingly unrelated symptoms.

This is how you actually heal.


Hi, I'm Stephanie

In working with clients, I've found that regardless of what the struggles, symptoms, or concerns are, at the root is a deep rooted sense of stress on the body.

If you've done ALL the right nutrition and activity and rest necessary for your health and still aren't seeing results, it's time to look deeper.

What we DO for our bodies matters (nutrition, movement, sleep), but those things only work as much as we also address what got us to the point of symptoms or illness in the first place.

The mindset that got you into your current situation isn't the one that will get you out of it.

If you're ready to Flourish, in your health, and your life, it's time to take a body AND mind approach and look at healing both, together.

Frequently Asked Questions

What's included in this program?

Flourish includes 1 HTMA test kit, 1 DUTCH Adrenal panel, a comprehensive assessment of your results, a personalized protocol based on your results, and the complete Flourish program curriculum with training on building stress resiliency, brain rewiring and making habits that actually stick, and support for the impact of stress on thyroid, adrenal, and metabolic health.

What is HTMA testing?

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is a way to assess the state of your metabolism and stress load by looking at the mineral status of your tissues. It is an easy, quick test you complete at home and mail in.

What is a DUTCH Adrenal Panel?

The DUTCH Adrenal Panel is an at home cortisol test that tells us your daily cortisol patterns as well as how cortisol is metabolized in your body. This combined with HTMA testing gives us a holistic picture of how well your body is handling stress and where we can make shifts to better optimize adrenal function, thyroid health, and metabolism.

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

Due to the digital and personalized nature of this product, there are no refunds.

Does this include testing?

Yes! The Flourish program includes both a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) test and DUTCH Adrenal panel with a custom protocol based on your results. Upon purchase of the program, you will receive further instructions on how to get your test kits sent to you.

What if I don't need testing?

If you're just looking for the information to support your goals, Fuel Your Best Life has all the information from Flourish without added testing included.

Does this include coaching?

No it does not. For coaching access alongside these modules and testing, you can apply for 1:1 VIP coaching.

How long do I have access to this bundle?

You get lifetime access to the content modules. The HTMA and DUTCH Adrenal test kits have a 3 month time frame to complete upon purchase. If you need an extension on this, please contact us at and let us know!
