For every woman who feels exhaused...

How would it feel to wake up every morning fully awake with energy and confidence to last the entire day?

REVIVE is a functional testing program to get you lasting energy and less stress.

Whether you're an exhausted mom trying to get through the day or a runner determined to chase your best marathon time, this program is for you.

This is for you, the mama who just wants to be present for your kids but is drowning under the weight of motherhood. You see all the other mothers on the playground have it all together, so why can't you seem to get there yourself?

This is for you, the woman who is worried that anything you eat might flare your GI symptoms, that keep returning over and over despite doing all the probiotics and sugar detoxes and protocols to heal.

This is for you, the runner who cannot seem to reach your PR goal despite doing all the right training and fueling and planning. Every race you think this is it, and then something happens and you struggles to make it across the finish line well. 

The hardest thing about shifting your stress + energy is getting yourself to actually do the things you need to do.

  • You've tried all the discipline hacks to change your habits, to not give in to those afternoon cravings or have that third cup of coffee or skip your workout.

  • You've invested in drinks and supplements that claim to give you an energy boost or help you sleep or regulate your cortisol levels.

  • You've tried breathing and meditating to stay calm and regulated, but you just get more sleepy.

  • Or you finally talk yourself into that workout, only to have your legs feel like lead the entire way and your pace and HR are trashed.

  • You know your current way isn't working but you don't know WHAT to trust because the nutrition information out there is so wild and conflicting. Who do you trust and where do you start?

What if you don't actually need more discipline?

What if you just need more nourishment?

It's easy to get caught up in all the things we need to do everyday, the people who depend on us, the to-do list that never ends, the accomplishment and achievement that feels expected of us or that we expect of ourselves.

But we can't keep going and doing without putting energy back in.

At the very core, our bodies need to feel safe before they can do anything else. Our bodies were designed to protect us. They will do what they have to in order to keep us alive.

This means if it feels threatened or doesn't have what it needs to keep going at the pace it's used to, it is going to go into defensive mode. It is going to slow down.

What you need is a simple roadmap to guide you and a proven system to follow to balance your body's energy levels with deep nourishment and safety.

I'll show you how.

What if you could nourish your body for enough energy - without it adding more stress to your life?

  • You wake up easily before your alarm , ready to take on the day instead of hitting snooze 2 more times.

  • You are hungry and excited for breakfast when you wake up, and you know what to make quickly and easily during the morning school rush.

  • You no longer procrastinate your workout but instead look forward to lacing up your shoes and seeing what your body can do today.

  • You no longer crave caffeine or sugar in the afternoon and instead have mental clarity and focus to finish your to-do list before dinner.

  • You're not so drained by dinnertime that you snap at everyone and just want to be left alone to scroll your phone. Dinner is now enjoyable family connection time to unwind after a full day.

I can't wait for you to discover...


The deep nourishment foundations for effortless, lasting energy, confidence, and calm.

Here's what you'll learn:

Module 1:
Eating Enough for Lasting Energy

You get a proven method for making sure you're getting enough of all the nutrients you need, without tracking or counting calories.

Module 2:
Adding Custom Mineral Needs

Deep nourishment for energy and stress resilience needs minerals. Learn your custom mineral needs based on your HTMA results and get specific examples of how to add these to your meals.

Module 3:
Adjusting Your Internal Clock

Giving your body more energy goes beyond food. Learn how to adjust your schedule to support your internal rhythm for sustained energy and calm all day long.

How REVIVE is different:

If you're thinking you can just grab a meal plan from someone or read a few articles on nutrition and rest, here's why REVIVE is so unique.

1: REVIVE is taught by a licensed Functional Nutrition Practitioner and Registered Dietitian and you get direct access to ask all your important questions. Stephanie has worked with hundreds of women just like you (and she's been there herself!) and she knows all the roadblocks and hesitations that can come up so she can get you past them and get results.

2: The REVIVE system is specifically designed to help you not only fuel your body with the nourishment it needs to feel safe but also do so in a way that doesn't upend your entire life and routine. You can learn about nutrition anywhere. But a method to save you time meal planning, prepping, and cooking every night? That you won't find anywhere.

3: REVIVE includes a custom protocol of your nutritional needs based on targeted nutrient testing of your body's needs and takes into account your goals. There is no cookie cutter plan here.


Client Win:

Proper hydration and joint pain gone

Client Win:

Energy answers found

Client win:

Less hustle, more rest

How REVIVE works

1: Join REVIVE.

Once you click the green enroll button and enter your details, you get instant access to all program materials.

2: Order your Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis test kit.

The START HERE module at the beginning of the program includes all the details you need to get your test kit ordered and sent to your house.

Once you send in the completed test kit and the lab analyzes your nutrient status, Stephanie will reach out with a custom protocol and explanation of your results.

3: Learn on your own time.

We know your time is precious. That's why all of the program content is available on-demand for you to access whenever works best for you.

Hi, I'm Stephanie

In working with clients, I've found that regardless of what the struggles, symptoms, or concerns are, at the root is a deep rooted sense of stress on the body. In essence, it does not feel safe and is doing it's very best to protect the body and keep it alive. Our bodies were designed to keep us safe, and that is incredible!

Whether you want a starting point to navigate your health journey on your own, or you want to get a feel for what working with me may look like, this is the absolute best place to start your healing journey. Before we can look at any digestive issues, hormone concerns, or fitness goals, we have to ensure first that the body feels safe enough to handle what we throw at it.

This is how we Revive the body, wake it up, and start the healing process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

Due to the digital nature of this product, there are no refunds.

Does this include testing?

Yes! The Revive Bundle includes a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) test and custom protocol. Instructions on how to get your test kit sent to you are included in the first module of the REVIVE program content.

What if I don't need testing?

If you're just looking for the information to support your goals, Fuel Your Best Life has all the information from Revive without added testing.

Does this include coaching?

No it does not. For coaching access alongside these modules and testing, you can join the Nourish Your Life Collective.

How long do I have access to this bundle?

You get lifetime access to the content modules. The Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis has a 3 month time frame to complete upon purchase. If you need an extension on this, please contact us at and let us know!
