Whatever goal you have for yourself, you need to start with having the tools to get there successfully.

What you want is to heal gut issues and reduce stress and improve metabolism and reverse hormone imbalances and you think the way to get there is going and doing the big, trendy things.

That is where things all come together. That is where you see the needle move the right direction. That is where you get results. Right?

But also...

Have you ever done an in depth gut protocol just to have SIBO or H. Pylori come right back?

Or you've done everything to optimize your metabolism and blood sugar and the scale keeps going UP?

Or you make it to mile 22 of your marathon and have hit the wall despite all the proper training and fueling and wonder what did I miss?

You think you need an elimination diet or you should detoxify your house or find more willpower to cut out carbs or get up early to train.

You think you need the next shiny program that your best friend's neighbor's sister had success with and convinces you is THE answer to your struggles.

Or maybe you know the next shiny program isn't going to work but you don't know WHAT to trust because the nutrition information out there is so wild and conflicting. Who do you trust and where do you start?

You start with building a solid foundation FIRST.

What is REVIVE?

At the very core, our bodies need to feel safe before they can do anything else.

Our bodies were designed to protect us. They will do what they have to in order to keep us alive.

This means if it feels threatened or doesn't have what it needs to keep going at the pace it's used to, it is going to go into defensive mode. It is going to shut down.

The solution to any health concern has to be to start with supporting the body's need to feel safe. We have to bring it out of defensive mode so it can make energy and not just LIVE but THRIVE.

We have to start with whole person nourishment.

If you want to heal your body,

If you want to reach any of your big, scary fitness goals,

If you want to feel confident in your life and show up as your best, authentic self,

REVIVE is the place to start.

It's the tools to make everything else successful.

Because the body cannot do anything else if it doesn't feel safe.

REVIVE is deep nourishment that tells the body it is safe enough to heal, to grow, to achieve.

How does REVIVE work?

Making your body feel safe isn't a trendy short term fix.

It's how your body needs to operate for the rest of your life.

This isn't exciting. It's slow, boring, hard work.

It's challenging in that you have to go counter everything your body and brain is used to.

You are giving your body the nourishment, the safety, the love and care it needs, that it has been screaming at you for for so long and you've ignored because you thought it was wrong. You thought what the world told you that you needed was true and not what your body was asking for.

REVIVE is unlearning.

It's carving out space to listen.

To trust yourself.

To practice self compassion for what you did to your body when you didn't know how to listen to it.

REVIVE is where you relearn.

Reviving Energy

We start with adequate nourishment. This is where we stop dieting, and start feeding our body ENOUGH to give it the energy it needs to heal. You learn what enough means for you and your goals and how to put into practice.

Reviving Minerals

Along with adequate nutrition, we also need proper hydration. This is more than drinking gallons of water a day. Cellular health means having adequate minerals in order to perform their necessary functions. Learn what minerals your body needs and in what quantities and combinations.

Reviving Circadian Rhythm

Sleep and rest are not the same, and both are vital to helping the body feel safe. Improving sleep starts when we wake up and involves the actions we take to nourish our bodies all day long. Learn how to implement the true, deep, restorative rest your body needs to chase your goals well.

Who is REVIVE for?

This is for you, the mama who just wants to be present for your kids but is drowning under the weight of motherhood. You see all the other mothers on the playground have it all together, so why can't you seem to get there yourself?

This is for you, the woman who is worried that anything you eat might flare your GI symptoms, that keep returning over and over despite doing all the probiotics and sugar detoxes and protocols to heal.

This is for you, the runner who cannot seem to reach your PR goal despite doing all the right training and fueling and planning. Every race you think this is it, and then something happens and you struggles to make it across the finish line well. 

The piece you're missing if you're dealing with recurring symptoms, frustration from trying all the things and not seeing results, or needing to push past all the nutrition and diet noise and just know where to START is right here.

REVIVE is the foundation for how you:

  • heal your gut
  • increase your metabolism
  • reach the ever out of reach PR
  • overcome iron deficiency
  • detoxify your liver
  • balance your blood sugar
  • repair your hormones
  • begin to THRIVE


Hi, I'm Stephanie

In working with clients, I've found that regardless of what the struggles, symptoms, or concerns are, at the root is a deep rooted sense of stress on the body. In essence, it does not feel safe and is doing it's very best to protect the body and keep it alive. Our bodies were designed to keep us safe, and that is incredible!

Whether you want a starting point to navigate your health journey on your own, or you want to get a feel for what working with me may look like, this is the absolute best place to start your healing journey. Before we can look at any digestive issues, hormone concerns, or fitness goals, we have to ensure first that the body feels safe enough to handle what we throw at it.

This is how we Revive the body, wake it up, and start the healing process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

Due to the digital nature of this product, there are no refunds.

Can I get a credit on this if I upgrade to Fuel Your Best Life?

Absolutely! Send us a message at stephaniedarbyrd.com/contact and we'll send a coupon credit your way to apply to your Fuel Your Best Life purchase.

Does this include testing?

Yes! The Revive Bundle includes a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) test and custom protocol. Upon purchase of the bundle, you will receive further instructions on how to get your test sent to you.

What if I don't need testing?

If you're just looking for the information to support your goals, Fuel Your Best Life has all the information from Revive without added testing.

Does this include coaching?

No it does not. For coaching access alongside these modules and testing, you can upgrade to Fuel Your Best Life or apply for 1:1 VIP coaching.

How long do I have access to this bundle?

You get lifetime access to the content modules. The Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis has a 3 month time frame to complete upon purchase. If you need an extension on this, please contact us at stephaniedarbyrd.com/contact and let us know!

Program Content

  TESTING: Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
Available in days
days after you enroll
  REVIVE: Restoring Body Safety
Available in days
days after you enroll
  REVIVE: Restoring Cellular Health with Minerals
Available in days
days after you enroll
  REVIVE: Restoring Circadian Rhythm Balance
Available in days
days after you enroll

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