Your Training Deserves to Be Fueled
Fueling your best run or race means knowing what you need and knowing what you're putting in your body. The Fueled Up Nutrition Guide has everything ready for you to add your daily nutrition and hydration to help you reach your run goals easily and with confidence.
This spreadsheet is your one stop home for all your training and racing nutrition data.
Your everyday nutrition.
Your long run fueling plan.
Your carb loading guide.
Your race day nutrition cheat sheet.
It's all ready for you to calculate, adjust, and keep track of here.
Complete with a page full of common fueling products to plan your race nutrition well and space to think through all the small pieces of the nutrition puzzle you may otherwise forget (like electrolyte and caffeine needs!)
This is a blank, editable, templated spreadsheet for you to tailor to your needs as appropriate.